We are proud to announce ArtsAcoustic ViRe-X Pro. On our way to a new product, which will also see the light of day in early 2013, we needed a new reverb to be included onboard. Long story short, we soon realized, that it was too good not to be released as a separate product, so we decided to go the long route and developed it to the max extend.
Using our knowledge we´ve gathered in terms of reverb design, we´ve developed a special algorithm to be in control of resonances, on which the whole reverb structure is based on. This allows for great spaces in all forms and shapes.
Knowing that high quality gated algorithms (not a gate after the tail, which is something entirely different) are very rare, we additionally added a very flexible gated reverb algorithm.
The ArtsAcoustic ViRe-X Pro will be released soon for a MSRP of 189,00 EUR / 189.00 USD.
Existing customers of the ArtsAcoustic Reverb will get a special discount offer, details will be sent out in form of email, as soon as the product is released.
Check back on our website or forum for further details.